Through baptism, Christians believe that the person being baptised is freed from sin, and is reborn into a brand new life with Jesus Christ, and will come to live and share a new life with God.
The importance in baptism is that we become part of Christ’s body, and are accepted formally and become a member of the Christian Church.
What young people had to learn
The person getting baptised is usually too young to prepare before their baptism, however, the parents of the infant usually approached the priest, and request a baptism for their child. The priest will then invite the parents for a brief baptism course for parents. The purpose of this course is to help the parents understand better the meaning of baptism, and especially the importance of their role, in passing on the Christian faith to their child.
What they wear
At a baptism, the child is clothed in a white garment. They are dressed in this fashion because it symbolises the outward sign of your Christian dignity, and that the child has ‘put on Christ.’
Who Is Present
At the child’s baptism, family members are present, along with their godparent. The child is baptised by a priest. If the family wishes to, family friends are also invited to celebrate in their child’s initiation into the church.
What happened during the Ritual
During the reception of the Baptism, the priest will welcome the baby, its family and Godparents into the Church. He will ask the parents some questions, ensuring there are aware of the purpose of Baptism and what their responsibilities are once the Baptism is complete. The priest, parents and Godparents will then trace the sign of the cross on the child’s forehead, showing that the Christian community is offering the child to Christ.
Celebration of God’s Word
After the reception, the scriptures are read and the priest will then explain the readings to the people. After the prayer of the Faithful, the chosen saints are then called upon to pray over the child.
Prayer of Exorcism and Anointing Before Baptism
The priest will then pray that Te Atua God will free the child that will be baptised from the spirit of evil and the slavery of sin [Sacraments of Initiation Textbook]. He will then anoint the child on the chest with the Chrism Oil.
Blessing of the Baptismal Water
The priest will then bless the water that will be used to baptise the child. He says: We ask you, Father, with your Son to send the Holy Spirit upon the water of this font. May all who are buried with Christ in the death of baptism rite also with him to newness of life.Profession of Faiththe parents and godparents will free from sin and renew their own baptismal promises.
Baptismthe baptism is performed by the priest; he immerses the child by pouring water on his head 3 times, while saying: I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Anointing with ChrismThe child is then anointed on the head with the sacred oil of Chrism by the Priest: As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet and King, so may you live always as a member of his body, sharingeverlasting life.
Clothing in White GarmentThe child is then clothed in a white garment to symbolised their outward Christian dignity. See in this white garment the outward sign of your Christian dignity. With your family and friends to help you by word and example, bring that dignity unstained into the everlasting life of heaven.
The Lighted CandleThe child’s baptismal candle then shares a flame from the Easter candle. The candle is then entrusted to the parents and godparents. Receive the light of Christ. Parents and Godparents, this light is to be entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly. This child of yours has been enlightened by Christ. He/she is to walk always as a child of the light.
The Prayers over the Ears and MouthThe priest will touch the ears and mouth of the child with his thumb. This is to open them so the child may receive God’s word and proclaim his faith.
Lord’s prayerEveryone says the Our Father.
Blessingthe rite of Baptism ends with a blessing.
Symbols and Ritual Actions
Some symbols of baptism are:· Easter Candle
· Chrism oil
· White garment (symbolising the Christian dignity of the child)
The priest pouring the oil over the child’s head
· The priest touches the ears and mouth of the child
· Dove
· Olive branch
How they celebrated afterwardsSome families choose not to have a celebration after a baptism, however, if some people do want to hold a celebration, a lunch at the host’s chosen location (often their house) is common, celebrated with all the close family and friends. If they wish to, they can hold a larger event/after party.
The Importance of Baptism
Baptism is an important initiation for Catholics because it recognises the person into the Catholic religion.
Baptism also represents the person being baptised dying, and being born again with Christ, resulting in a new birth with water and the Spirit.
This initiation also erases all original sin of the person prior to the Sacrament.
Confirmation is another initiation ceremony held for someone who wishes to strengthen or confirm the life of God a person is given at baptism. The importance of Confirmation is the renewal of Baptismal promises.
Candidates could also choose a Confirmation name if the wish to. This identifies them in a unique way, not just physically, but represents your spirit.What the Young People had to Learnbefore they had their confirmation, the young people had to learn what being confirmed means.
They prepare for their confirmation by going to classes, going on retreats and are encouraged to take part in class discussion groups. Candidates for confirmation have to choose a sponsor who will guide them on this 2 year preparation for Confirmation. This sponsor must be an adult who is Catholic, they have been Confirmed, and who will serve as a model of living the Christian.
How they dressedCandidates for confirmation usually dress in white, however, this isn’t mandatory. The dress requirements are just that the candidate needs to dress appropriately and formally, with respect for the event.
Who was there?At a catholic confirmation, many people are present for the ceremony. The candidate’s parents, Godparents and sponsors attend the ceremony. The priest is there to confirm the child after 2 years of preparation and family members or close friends are invited to be present.
What happened during the RitualThe ritual of Confirmation is celebrated within Mass and begins after the Gospel with the presentation of the candidates.
Those to be confirmed are brought forward to the bishop
The bishop explains the readings and leads those present to a deeper understanding of the mystery of Confirmation
The bishop makes the sign the sign of the cross on the candidate’s forehead with the oil of the chrism sayng: Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” While he does this, the sponsor stands beside the candidate with his/her hand on the candidate’s shoulder.
The gathered community prays for the newly confirmed and the needs of the church.
Rite of Confirmation
The presentation of those to be confirmed
The homily or instruction
Renewal of Baptismal promises
The laying of Hands
Different symbols and actions
· Holy Spirit
· Laying of hands
· Anointing with the chrism
How they celebrated afterwardsThere is a celebration after the candidate’s confirmation. The family invites close family and friends and godparents. After the Mass they go out to eat at a restaurant, and afterwards they usually go to the host’s house to have dessert-the confirmation cake, this is usually when the confirmation presents are govern to the candidate.
Importance of Confirmation
Confirmation is when the person's baptism promises are renewed, this sacrament is when a person wants to strengthen and confirm the life of God within them.
First EucharistWhen we celebrate the Eucharist, we celebrate Christ’s resurrection, we carry out instructions that Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper.
The Eucharist is when the bread an wine is mysteriously transformed into the body and blood of Christ. This transformation can never be fully comprehended and unerstood by the human mind, this transformation is a mystery.
During the Eucharist Jesus Christ is present in the people, priest, the Scriptures and the conscrated bread and wine. As a person has their First Eucharist, they are being fully initiated into the Catholic church.
What the young people had to learnPeople who were baptised as babies, usually receive their First Communion when they are at least seven years old, this is when the church deems them old enough to differentiate between right or wrong and understand what receiving the Eucharist means. Children have to prepare for their First Holy Communion for around 6 weeks then receive the Risen Lord at their First Communion Mass. Parents usually enrol their child in a religious education program at their church. They are required to learn the Lord’s Prayer and other prayers; they are taught the meaning of receiving the Eucharist and how to prepare before receiving it. They are then brought to Reconciliation as part of their preparation program, usually around Easter or a date closer to their first communion day.
How they dressedThe children had to dress formally. Girls usually wore a white dress, you can choose either with or without a veil. Boys wear at least nice trousers and a button down shirt, they can also wear a tie, jacket and suit if they wish to. However, some churches have specific dress requirements.
Who was thereMany people are present during a child’s First Communion. Parents, family members and friends are invited to the celebration Mass and the celebration usually held afterwards. The family of the child can choose who to invite.What happened during the Ritual
Before the actual ritual, the candidates need to prepare for 6 weeks before having their first communion.
After this, the candidates will then receive their first Eucharist during mass, celebrated with family and friends.
They will then go up to the Eucharistic minister, and receive the bread. The minister will say: “This is the body of Christ.” The candidate will stick out their tongue, and the minister will place the Body of Christ onto the candidates tongue. After the candidate has received the Body, they will reply with: “Amen,” confirming their belief of that it is in fact the body of Christ.
After this, they will approach another Eucharistic minister, this time for the Blood of Christ. The minister will say: “This is the blood of Christ.” The candidate will then drink the wine and reply with: “Amen,” confirming their belief that the wine has turned into the blood of Christ.
Symbol of First Eucharist
- · Chalice and ciborium (bread and wine)
How they celebrate afterwardsAfter the First Communion Mass the family of the child usually holds a party, inviting all their friends and family to celebrate, sometimes even the priest is invited. Here, gifts are presented; people usually buy rosary beads, a crucifix or a bible for them. A cake is generally made to celebrate the day.
Importance of First Communion
First Communion is important because it signifies a person's full initiation into the Catholic church.
A person receiving the First Communion receives the Body and Blood of Christ for the very first time, making the relationship between them and Christ stronger.
Main Beliefs of Catholicism.
Beliefs for catholicism can be found in the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed. It is here that a Catholic’s beliefs are elaborated:
· That there is one God, the father almighty who created heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
· That there is one Lord Jesus Christ who was the only begotten Son of God, born of the Father before ages.
· That Jesus Christ is God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten no made.
· That Jesus Christ, for them and for their salvation, came down from heaven.
· That Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
· That for their sake, Jesus Christ was crucified under Pontius Pilate, suffered death and was buried.
· That on the third day, Jesus Christ rose from the dead in accordance to the scriptures.
· That Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God.
· That Jesus Christ will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.
· That His kingdom will have no end.
· That there is the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life who proceeds from the Father and Son, who is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.
· That there is one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
· That there is one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
· That there will be the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.
Catholics also believe in the Beatitudes. Jesus gave us the 8 Beatitudes to tell us ideal ways a catholic should want to live, and guide us on the road to the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12)
· Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
· Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.
· Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
· Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.
· Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
· Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.
· Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God.
· Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
· Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven.
10 Commandments
· You shall not covet you neighbor's goods.
Catholics also believe that if they live by the Beatitudes and the 10 Commandments, when they die, they will enter God’s Kingdom.